Sunday, January 9, 2011

Riding bus in Colombia.

Participating in the traffic in Colombia is quite fun. People drive like crazy. What surprises me though, is that I see so few accidents. Today as I was riding a bus on a highway, people came running to sell things on the street. They wore yellow vests as if they were police guards. Well, it makes it easier to see them. In Colombia it's common with people selling things literally ON the street, as buses stop at lights or in a traffic jam. They approach your vehicle carrying a variety of cookies, peanuts, soft drinks and so on (by the way, drinks are sold in plastic bags, not in bottles!) Money is exchanged on the spot. Quite handy. It also seems quite dangerous. Well here we go again, the brain of a Northern Europe guy. We think and breathe traffic safety. Here, motor cycles are riding in curves as to avoid the vendors. No irritation, It all runs very smooth. Many times the bus driver was driving in the left lane. Double lines on the middle? Who cares. Instead, the bus driver honks the horn repeatedly. To warn anybody else.

Well, maybe there are many accidents in Colombia, I don't know. Judging the way they drive, with a Northern Europe mind, it seems there should be. But my theory is that everybody here is prepared as they drive. Prepared that everybody else is driving like crazy as well. Everybody knows the rules.

Anyway, just an observation.

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