Hi there!
My first week in the School of Digital Filmmaking in Hawaii has ended! We started out with some classes by a British musician, giving us advice about managing a life as a Christian in a creative and chaotic world.
This first week has also been an introduction of what is to come. We have received our 800-page book - "The Filmmaker's handbook", which teaches not only video but also film ("real" film). We are also to watch two feature films every week and write an essay about one of them.
My impression is it's going to be a quite demanding school, which is good. That means the school is going to keep up its word in the business. They say this is probably the most intense school in whole YWAM. We are expected to be ready to analyze any of the 106 films we were to watch before coming here, and we have already begun "pitching" (presenting) our first ideas about short films. In the middle of May we are going to shoot the first film, but at then everything including script, storyboard, production planning and so on have to be submitted and approved.
Our campus here is about 200.000 square meters wide - quite impressing - and it is situated about 500 meters from the Ocean. About 700 students and staff are living and working here.
An important prayer issue is my finances, so please pray for them! If you are already supporting me - thank you so much, it's really a gift to be here, and I will be praying for you too.
My challenge now is to come up with a super clever idea for my short film. So please pray for my inspiration also. In my next posting I might reveal some of my ideas!
After this 3-month school there are opportunities to do an internship, either here on Hawaii or in any film company. We'll see where the Lord leads!
Thanks again, for your interest in my life and for your support and prayers. I really need it.